Title: Mapping heritage tourism service quality using the Kano model: a case study of Indian tourism

Authors: Ashutosh Pandey; Rajendra Sahu

Addresses: ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, NH #92, Morena Link Road, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474015, India ' ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, NH #92, Morena Link Road, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474015, India

Abstract: This research tries to understand the needs and perception of inbound tourists visiting Indian heritage sites through the application of Kano two-dimensional quality model. An attempt has been made to provide suggestions for improving service quality at cultural and historical heritage sites in India, which would further improve the tourist satisfaction, foreign tourist inflow, foreign exchange earnings and ranking of Indian tourism worldwide. The study indicated that out of 24 service quality items classified by the Kano model, one-dimensional and indifferent quality elements were large in numbers. This study suggested that heritage sites in India need to take care of crowd management, general cleanliness, upkeep of sites and further prioritises the other service attributes for providing better tour experiences to foreign tourists.

Keywords: service quality; tourism; inbound tourists; Kano two-dimensional quality model; heritage sites.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2020.110339

International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2020 Vol.37 No.2, pp.264 - 283

Received: 27 May 2017
Accepted: 29 Sep 2018

Published online: 15 Oct 2020 *

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