Title: Utilisation of jarosite in cement concrete – a review
Authors: Tanvi Gupta; S.N. Sachdeva
Addresses: Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India ' Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India
Abstract: With an increased industrialisation, production of industrial by-products has risen significantly. Numerous types of waste materials are generated from the manufacturing processes. Jarosite is one of the by-products generated from the zinc manufacturing industry and its disposal is of major concern because it contains various toxic elements like oxide of iron, nickel, arsenic and lead. The construction industry needs to be transformed into a sustainable and environmental friendly from being consumption-based. Therefore, jarosite is very useful in the design and development of the cement concrete and other composites. This paper presents a detailed and comprehensive review about the physical, chemical and geotechnical properties of the jarosite waste. It also covers properties of the fresh concrete containing jarosite, its compressive and flexural strength, leachate characteristics, chloride resistance and water absorption of the cement concrete mixed with the jarosite.
Keywords: jarosite; concrete; compressive strength; leachate characteristics; sustainable construction; waste management; waste utilisation; cement industry; environmental friendly concrete.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2020.110398
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2020 Vol.26 No.4, pp.504 - 519
Received: 30 Oct 2018
Accepted: 04 Jun 2019
Published online: 19 Oct 2020 *