Title: Rotary heuristic for uncapacitated continuous location-allocation problems
Authors: M.D.H. Gamal; Zulkarnain; M. Imran
Addresses: Department of Mathematics, University of Riau, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia ' Department of Mathematics, University of Riau, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia ' Department of Mathematics, University of Riau, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia
Abstract: This paper proposes a constructive heuristic method to solve location-allocation problems. Specifically, we consider the problem of locating m new facilities in a continuous region such that the sum of the weighted distances from the new facilities to n existing facilities is minimised. The distance is measured using the Euclidean-distance metric. This simple technique shows that the solution found is encouraging for the case where the number of users is much larger than the number of facilities to be located.
Keywords: uncapacitated continuous location; location-allocation; constructive heuristic; Euclidean-distance metric.
International Journal of Operational Research, 2020 Vol.39 No.3, pp.406 - 415
Received: 21 Dec 2016
Accepted: 03 Mar 2018
Published online: 22 Oct 2020 *