Title: Quantitative assessment of the causes of the strengthening of a machined surface after cutting
Authors: Alexey Popov; Sergei Babak
Addresses: Department of Machining and Assembly, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic ' Department of Machining and Assembly, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
Abstract: Plastic deformation of the surface layer leads to strengthening, i.e., to a change in the mechanical properties of the machined surface material. The strengthening of the surface parts directly affects the life cycle of the finished product. This study focuses on the quality management of the machined surface after machining of structural and stainless steels. The purpose of this study was to identify the strengthening degree of the machined surface due to processes occurring in the chip formation zone and on the rear surface of the cutting tool. This study has, produced a quantitative assessment of the causes for the increase in microhardness as a result of the force during the passing of the future surface layer through the plastic deformation area that develops in the chip formation zone and the plastic deformation produced by the impact of the rear surface of the cutting tool on the machined surface.
Keywords: cutting; microhardness; plastic deformation; roughness; surface integrity.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSURFSE.2020.110535
International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 2020 Vol.14 No.3, pp.207 - 222
Received: 10 Dec 2019
Accepted: 23 Jan 2020
Published online: 23 Oct 2020 *