Title: CO2 emission from oil and gas production - challenges and opportunities
Authors: Shakir Ather; Muhammad Asim; Salman Manzoor
Addresses: Karachi University Business School (KUBS), University of Karachi, Pakistan ' Karachi University Business School (KUBS), University of Karachi, Pakistan ' Karachi University Business School (KUBS), University of Karachi, Pakistan
Abstract: The analysis in the report is related to the issue of emission of CO2 from the oil and gas companies in Pakistan. The issue was selected considering the increasing threats for the environmental sustainability that are caused due to the emission of CO2 gases on consistent basis. The variables chosen for the purpose of analysis were knowledge of the firm, incentives of the government, magnitude of CO2, cost and scale of CCU technology. The statistical techniques that were applied were regression, correlation and Cronbach alpha analysis. The findings that were obtained through regression and correlation illustrated a positive impact between the independent and the dependent variables.
Keywords: carbon capture and utilisation; awareness; acceptance; perception; emissions; greenhouse gases; emissions reduction; emissions mitigation.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2020 Vol.22 No.3, pp.330 - 341
Received: 31 Jan 2020
Accepted: 31 Mar 2020
Published online: 30 Oct 2020 *