Title: Critical success factors and challenges for lean in a hospital setting: an empirical study in Kosovo
Authors: Lura Rexhepi Mahmutaj; Priti Shrestha Koirala
Addresses: Faculty of Economics, University of Prishtina 'Hasan Prishtina' Prishtina, Kosovo ' RMA Group Co. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to address the factors that bring the successful implementation of lean, and the main challenges impeding the uptake of lean in the hospital setting. The qualitative case study approach was used to explore the applicability and implementation of lean in a hospital setting. The findings indicate that the key success factors include management support and acceptance for the need for lean by understating lean philosophy, principles, and methods, while the main challenges are resistance to change within staff and support from the government. The research study is the confined focus on a hospital setting in Kosovo in a single department. This will be rectified by carrying out further interviews and/or surveys in the future and making this investigation a longitudinal study. The case should be extended to other departments within the hospital, and to other service firms to support the findings and have wider generalisation. The results will help other hospitals and service firms to understand success factors and barriers to implementing lean.
Keywords: lean; lean implementation; critical success factors; challenges; hospital setting; qualitative study; Kosovo.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSCA.2020.110974
International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 2020 Vol.12 No.2/3, pp.136 - 152
Received: 28 Feb 2019
Accepted: 03 Mar 2020
Published online: 03 Nov 2020 *