Title: A scheduling heuristic in mobile distributed real-time database systems
Authors: Prakash Kumar Singh
Addresses: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MMM University of Technology, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract: A major research challenge has been addressed by real-time database systems to assign priority to transactions. Mobile distributed real-time systems execute transaction within a time limitation and complete the concurrent transaction without damaging the consistency of data items at various stages. Transaction scheduling manages the correct order of execution of transactions to enhance concurrency and ultimately improve the performance of database and cloud system. Heuristic approaches maximise the rate of successful completion of transactions. In this paper, heuristic approaches ENT and DENT are discussed, based on the requirement of an exact number of locks and the similarity of data items, respectively. ENT added characteristics such as deadline and data item size to evaluate the priority of data items, however DENT uses concept of similarity. Proposed heuristic policies are tested using simulation experiment with Distributed High Priority Two Phase Locking (DHP-2PL) concurrency control protocol which shows better results than earlier approaches.
Keywords: transaction; deadline; mobile; distributed real-time database system; priority; wireless; scheduling; concurrency control.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVICS.2020.110993
International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, 2020 Vol.5 No.3, pp.265 - 289
Received: 01 Oct 2019
Accepted: 16 Dec 2019
Published online: 04 Nov 2020 *