Title: Insight of entrepreneurship in Indian context
Authors: Shantanu; Priyanka; Tran Tien Khoa
Addresses: Department of Management Studies, IIT Campus, Hauzkhas, New Delhi South 110016, India ' Department of Management Studies, IIT Campus, Hauzkhas, New Delhi South 110016, India ' Rector of International University, Vietnam
Abstract: The Indian entrepreneurs usually focus on the traditional business by putting various flavours of the modern strategies and are able to set a benchmark for other entrepreneurs (competitors) in the market. They can learn from the fat fishes of the game and implement various market strategies for their business growth. They require nurturing concept, so that sustainable growth can be achieved in the long run and contribute to the Indian economy. In this research paper we are going to make a comparative analysis between the companies. This analysis will focus on the recent approaches related to the benefits and services of the company to their customers. We examine how these companies and their founders managed to get approval for the business and used the best entrepreneurship skills to show their presence in the market and for their targeted customers and hence are considered as established start-ups and middle level companies.
Keywords: entrepreneurship; start-up; business environment; industry; financial-relationship; SME; small and medium-sized enterprise; targeted-customers; motivation; competence; facilitator.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2020 Vol.13 No.3, pp.321 - 335
Received: 12 May 2020
Accepted: 22 May 2020
Published online: 05 Nov 2020 *