Title: Global organisation for overcoming risks
Authors: Herbert Rauch
Addresses: Institute for Social Analysis, Schottenfeldgasse 25-27/533, 1070 Vienna, Austria
Abstract: This concept assumes that any reliable global governance needs the strong participation of younger generations. The 'instrument' for promoting this is a globally organised training (and its eventual deployment) dealing with risk-events of disastrous magnitude. Here such an instrument is called 'global organisation for overcoming risks' (GOOR). The 'social' effects of such an endeavour might be just as important as the ecological effects in the case of relief action. Given that global interconnectivity is becoming more dense every year, this interdependent world can, however, still can be organised, e.g., as the World Bank and others have done for years - into about a dozen 'Greater Regions' (G.R.). However, other organisational forms can be placed into this concept instead - without inducing many further changes. The following elaboration aims at the training (and the eventual deployment) of such trained pioneer-like units - for effective relief in case of disasters of all kinds.
Keywords: global organisations; risks; risk management; social work; global strategy; volunteering; globalisation; sustainable development; health system.
DOI: 10.1504/IJFIP.2020.111244
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 2020 Vol.14 No.2/3/4, pp.103 - 119
Received: 11 Oct 2019
Accepted: 04 May 2020
Published online: 16 Nov 2020 *