Title: A hybrid cluster technique for improving the efficiency of colour image segmentation
Authors: Ankit Kumar; Linesh Raja; Pankaj Dadheech; Manish Bhardwaj
Addresses: Department of Computer Science & Engineering (NBA Accredited), Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ' Department of Computer Applications, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ' Department of Computer Science & Engineering (NBA Accredited), Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ' Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Abstract: Image segmentation is a wide area for researching, and in many applications, segmentation is applied for finding the distinct group in the feature space. It separates the data into different regions or clusters, and each one is homogeneous. The current algorithm, which is proposed approach for noise reduction, eliminates most of the noise from the input image. This noise concerns to cut boundary of the noise full image. The result shows that it is very efficient in segmenting the image and reduces the time complexity. The proposed algorithm can be used in object deduction or in object analysing in image processing. The segmentation of image proceeds by using combination of different segmenting approach in 3-D RGB colour-space. Clarity of the output segmented image is better in comparison to other segmentation techniques of the image. Clarity of the output image is depending on the number of clusters used.
Keywords: data mining; image processing; classification; image segmentation; clustering; k-mean cluster.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2020.111405
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2020 Vol.16 No.6, pp.665 - 679
Received: 26 Aug 2019
Accepted: 24 Feb 2020
Published online: 25 Nov 2020 *