Title: Moving toward adoption of social commerce: exploring drivers and barriers using AHP approach

Authors: Mona Jami Pour; Ghazale Taheri

Addresses: Department of Business, Hazrat-e Masoumeh University (HMU), In front of Yadgar Imam Stadium, al-Ghadir Blvd, Qom, Iran ' Central Organization of Semnan University, Campus No. 1, In front of Sokan Park, Semnan, Iran

Abstract: While social commerce has quickly become an interesting area for both academics and practitioners, few studies have been done on the key drivers and barriers to its adoption in businesses. To fill this theoretical gap, this study tries to comprehensively explore the key drivers and barriers of social commerce that impede its successful implementation. To achieve the research objective, the related literature was comprehensively reviewed to extract the key drivers and barriers of social commerce adoption. Then, the main obtained categories were assessed via experts' viewpoints by the survey method. Finally, the evaluated drivers and barriers were prioritised using the AHP method. The key barriers and drivers were categorised into four main groups including internal drivers, external drivers, internal barriers and external barriers. Identifying key drivers and barriers comprehensively as well as their orders and weights are valuable for managers in order to formulate appropriate adoption strategy and guidelines.

Keywords: social commerce; barriers and drivers; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; social media.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2020.111794

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2020 Vol.23 No.4, pp.453 - 479

Received: 28 Feb 2018
Accepted: 05 Jun 2019

Published online: 14 Dec 2020 *

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