Title: Optimising advertisement effectiveness - a bridge positioning approach
Authors: R.K. Srivastava
Addresses: Sydenham Institute of Management, Affiliated to University of Mumbai, 3rd Floor, Churchgate, 400020, India
Abstract: The aim of the study is to find out whether the bridge positioning approach will help to cut down the advertisement wastage and take right decision. Research is an exploratory and experimental longitudinal research carried out in three phases. The concept of positioning based on unique consumer perceptions is applied to measure and optimise the advertising effectiveness application of new position based on unique consumer perception bridges the gaps in the communication strategy of advertising, and thus this bridge positioning approach helps to optimise the advertisement effectiveness and improves purchase intentions. The image sensing theory, memory network theory, and theory of congruity are used to explain the role of unique consumer perception-based bridge positioning in improving the advertisement effectiveness. Research finding reports that usage of bridge positioning, improves the advertisement effectiveness and helps in taking the right decision. It is a practitioner paper with the objective to take right advertisement decision. Contribution: it is a practical paper with the objective to improve the advertisement effectiveness. This is an attempt to implement unique consumer perception-based bridge positioning approach to improve advertisement effectiveness and purchase decisions in emerging markets like India. Improving advertisement effectiveness is a major problem faced by the industry.
Keywords: advertising effectiveness; bridge positioning strategy; purchase decision; unique customer perception; UCP; bank marketing; communication; purchase intentions; advertising decision.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBDA.2020.112173
International Journal of Business and Data Analytics, 2020 Vol.1 No.4, pp.371 - 382
Received: 03 Oct 2019
Accepted: 28 May 2020
Published online: 04 Jan 2021 *