Title: Prosocial rule breaking behaviour in banking and financial sector in central India
Authors: Shravan Chandak; Ruchi Sao; Pritam Bhadade; Nilisa Soni
Addresses: DMT, RCOEM, Ramdeo Tekdi, Gittikhadhan, India ' DMT, RCOEM, Ramdeo Tekdi, Gittikhadhan, India ' DMT, RCOEM, Ramdeo Tekdi, Gittikhadhan, India ' DMT, RCOEM, Ramdeo Tekdi, Gittikhadhan, India
Abstract: Prosocial rule breaking behaviour (PSRB) is the deviant behaviour of employees from the rules and norms in a constructive way for the advantage of the organisation and its stakeholders. The study identifies the occurrence of prosocial rule breaking behaviour in central India. In the present paper, researchers have reported the findings of the study conducted to ascertain the factors contributing to PSRB. A structured questionnaire was used to capture responses on a five-point Likert scale for 16 statements relating to PSRB. The data obtained has been analysed using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. As per previous studies, three factors were identified which are affecting PSRB towards colleagues, customer and enhancing job performance. In the current study, one more factor has been found to be affecting which is risk-taking propensity.
Keywords: constructive deviance; prosocial; confirmatory factor analysis; CFA; prosocial rule breaking behaviour; PSRB; risk-taking propensity; India.
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 2020 Vol.8 No.3/4, pp.226 - 239
Received: 22 Apr 2020
Accepted: 24 Sep 2020
Published online: 04 Jan 2021 *