Title: Gratitude as a mechanism to form high-quality connections at work: impact on job performance

Authors: Raina Chhajer; Tanusree Dutta

Addresses: Humanities and Social Science Area, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India ' Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Abstract: High-quality connections at work are marked by a subjective experience of mutuality, positive regard, and vitality. Literature indicates various emotional mechanisms, such as gratitude to build high-quality connections. This study was conducted at an Indian textile firm that installed gratitude boards in factory premises for employees to express gratitude. Using the data from 179 employees who participated in this initiative and their supervisors, this study empirically examined the role of gratitude in forming high-quality connections, which further lead to enhanced job performance. The main findings are: 1) high level of gratitude significantly predicts high levels of mutuality, positive regard, and vitality; 2) higher levels of mutuality significantly predicts task performance; 3) higher levels of mutuality, positive regard, and vitality significantly predicts contextual performance. The implication for both theory and practice has also been discussed.

Keywords: gratitude; high-quality connections; HQCs; job performance; Indian textile firm.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2021.112613

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2021 Vol.22 No.1, pp.1 - 18

Received: 21 Jun 2019
Accepted: 13 Oct 2019

Published online: 22 Jan 2021 *

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