Title: 3D virtual technology for space design in green building energy-saving design

Authors: Jing Wei; Longqian Chen

Addresses: School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Beijing, China; College of Construction Management, Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Beijing, China ' School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Beijing, China

Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the traditional green building energy-saving design method does not establish a 3D model, resulting in poor energy-saving effect and low accuracy of information collection, this paper proposes a 3D virtual technology of space design in green building energy-saving design. The sketch modelling method is used to build the three-dimensional virtual model of green building, and the initial model is drawn by using UVW map coordinates in 3dsmax software. The maintenance information, meteorological parameters, indoor and outdoor ventilation information of green energy-saving buildings are obtained by using GIS technology, and relevant information is imported into DeST-c software to simulate and analyse the thermal balance of green buildings. It is graded by stages, and different thermal performance indicators are obtained to simulate the energy consumption of green buildings. The experimental results show that this method can accurately collect building information in green building energy-saving design, and greatly reduce building energy consumption.

Keywords: green building; energy-saving design; space design; 3D virtual technology; SketchUp modelling method; GIS technology.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.2021.113452

International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2021 Vol.43 No.1, pp.24 - 37

Received: 06 May 2019
Accepted: 24 May 2020

Published online: 05 Mar 2021 *

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