Title: Fuzzy production-inventory models with shortages via ranking technique and credibility measure

Authors: Arindam Roy; Samarjit Kar; Manoranjan Maiti

Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Prabhat Kumar College, Contai, Purba-Medinipur, W.B., 721-404, India ' Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, W.B., 713-209, India ' Department of Applied Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Paschim-Medinipur, W.B., 721-102, India

Abstract: In this paper, a production-inventory model for a defective/deteriorating item is developed with imprecise inventory cost parameters. Here, we have used two defuzzification techniques: 1) valuation/weighting function of Yager's ranking method; 2) credibility measure, a compromise between optimistic and pessimistic measures for the deterministic transformation of the proposed model. A weighting function is added to Yager's ranking method so that it can represent the decision preference to solve a production inventory model. The proposed fuzzy inventory models are reduced to the crisp ones applying credibility measure. The problems are formulated as cost minimisation problems and solved using a gradient-based nonlinear programming technique. Finally, the models are illustrated through a numerical experiment with triangular fuzzy cost parameters. The results from two methods are compared and sensitivity analysis for different values of cost parameters and confidence levels (in credibility measure) is presented.

Keywords: decision preference parameter; weighting function; credibility measure.

DOI: 10.1504/IJAISC.2020.113474

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2020 Vol.7 No.2, pp.105 - 129

Received: 09 Oct 2017
Accepted: 07 Feb 2019

Published online: 08 Mar 2021 *

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