Title: Random machine breakdown and stochastic corrective maintenance period on a production inventory system with safe period
Authors: Subhankar Adhikari; Brojeswar Pal
Addresses: Department of Mathematics, Chandernagore College, Chandernagore, West Bengal 712136, India ' Department of Mathematics, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan-713104, India
Abstract: This study deals with a production inventory model with random machine breakdown and corrective maintenance. Here the concept of the 'safe period' is introduced in which the machine is running uninterruptedly. 'Safe period' of the production system begins when production starts/commences either at the beginning of the inventory cycle or after corrective maintenance. When a mechanical breakdown occurs, it will be brought under corrective maintenance immediately. The period for corrective maintenance is also uncertain. As a result, shortages may occur. Here, a production system is adopted where a single machine is responsible for total production and all the produced items are good. The objective of this problem is to minimise the total expected cost per unit item because of how much amount is to be produced. An example is given to analyse the model numerically and sensitivity analysis also has been done for key parameters to test the feasibility of our model.
Keywords: production inventory; machine breakdown; corrective maintenance; safe period; backlogging.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2021.113590
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 2021 Vol.18 No.3, pp.404 - 432
Received: 28 Sep 2019
Accepted: 31 Dec 2019
Published online: 12 Mar 2021 *