Title: The wear model calculation for high-speed cutting environment
Authors: Yan Luo
Addresses: Institute of Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools, Technology University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt D-64287, Germany
Abstract: High-Speed Milling (HSM) attracts the attention of manufacturing enterprise because of high cutting speed. Institute of Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools has studied high-speed cutting for many years, the most recent work focuses on free-form manufacturing feature, optimisation of machining technology, reduced process chain for die and mould making, economic analysis along the process chain, etc. Prediction of tool wear can provide the evidence for tool automatic management and process chains optimisation. This paper presents an algorithm architecture of chip generation. Chip cross sections are analysed to get mean chip thickness and cutting length, which are the basic parameters of tool wear calculation model. This paper also discusses the implementation of algorithm.
Keywords: chip generation; high-speed milling; high-speed machining; HSM; high-speed cutting; tool wear prediction; tool wear calculation; wear modelling; chip thickness; cutting length.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMM.2006.011367
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2006 Vol.1 No.3, pp.313 - 323
Published online: 24 Nov 2006 *
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