Title: The determinants of e-commerce in saving and credit cooperative societies: an empirical study from Kenya
Authors: Evanson Mwangi Karanja; Richard Odawa
Addresses: Faculty of Business, IT and Communication, St. Paul's University Kenya, Private Bag, Limuru, 00217, Kenya ' Faculty of Business, IT and Communication, St. Paul's University Kenya, Private Bag, Limuru, 00217, Kenya
Abstract: The study investigates determinants of e-commerce within the context of Kenyan SACCOs. The study was conducted in Nairobi County and all the licensed SACCOs under (SASRA) Sacco Society Regulatory Authority in Kenya were included in the study. Key findings indicated that 76% of the companies can be classified as adopters. The implication here is that nearly three out of every four SACCOs have adopted at least one form of e-commerce to support their business operations. The key factors identified in the study to influence e-commerce adoption in the participating SACCOs were technology cost (88%), available budget (41%), and senior management support that were captured from about 25% of the respondents. From the study, two critical barriers to effective utilisation of e-commerce for SACCOs in their business operations are the conservative organisation cultures that can be summed up as resistant to change and lack of peerage on the industry standards.
Keywords: electronic commerce; e-commerce; technology adoption; business process; diffusion of innovation theory.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.113967
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2021 Vol.36 No.4, pp.449 - 473
Received: 02 May 2018
Accepted: 13 Dec 2018
Published online: 06 Apr 2021 *