Title: TA and the management of innovation in economy and society
Authors: Ruud Smits, Pim Den Hertog
Addresses: Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80125, Utrecht, 3508 TC, The Netherlands. ' Utrecht University, 20, Wilhelminapark, Utrecht 3581 ND, The Netherlands
Abstract: Over the last 35 years, technology assessment has evolved from a predictive, scientific endeavor into policy-oriented research that takes the coevolution of Innovation Systems (IS) and innovation processes as point of departure. Parallel to this, also innovation studies developed further providing many insights in the underlying dynamics of innovation processes. The question is raised how, based on insights from innovation studies, TA could contribute more to the involvement of users in systemic innovation policies? More in particular: (1) Which recent insights from innovation studies have influenced the development of innovation policies? (2) How did innovation policy develop over the last three decades? (3) Why are users important for systemic innovation policies, and what are the problems that hinder involvement of users? (4) How could TA contribute to reinforcing the role of users? The paper will wind up by discussing consequences for policy and suggestions for further research.
Keywords: technology assessment; TA; innovation policy; innovation studies; users; strategic intelligence; systemic instruments; system failures; economy; society; modernisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJFIP.2007.011420
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 2007 Vol.3 No.1, pp.28 - 52
Published online: 30 Nov 2006 *
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