Title: Insights into the Indian cultural dimensions from the viewpoint of German operations managers
Authors: Amol Gore
Addresses: Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India
Abstract: India emerged as an investment destination and subsequently many German companies have expressed substantial interest in Indian operations as a cornerstone of international business. However, there is an increasing realisation that there are managerial practices and cultural specificities in India and managers need to comprehend them in corporate interactions. This paper aims to analyse the cultural dimensions in the Indo-German industrial setting. A rigorous literature analysis and case study research methodology was utilised to identify the cultural dimensions in India from the perspective of German operations managers. Key informant method enabled gather specific qualitative information. The results provide intercultural cues and implications for managers in business encounters.
Keywords: cultural dimensions; international business; operations; India; German; case; key informant.
DOI: 10.1504/EJCCM.2021.114254
European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 2021 Vol.5 No.2, pp.114 - 129
Accepted: 16 Dec 2019
Published online: 15 Apr 2021 *