Title: FOGSYS: a system for the implementation of StaaS service in a fog computing using embedded platforms
Authors: José Dos Santos Machado; Danilo Souza Silva; Raphael Silva Fontes; Adauto Cavalcante Menezes; Edward David Moreno; Admilson De Ribamar Lima Ribeiro
Addresses: Computing Department, Federal Institute of Sergipe - IFS, Estância, Brazil ' Computing Department, Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, São Cristóvão, Brazil ' Computing Department, Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, São Cristóvão, Brazil ' Computing Department, Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, São Cristóvão, Brazil ' Computing Department, Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, São Cristóvão, Brazil ' Computing Department, Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, São Cristóvão, Brazil
Abstract: This work presents the concept of Fog Computing, its theoretical contextualisation and related works, and develops the FogSys system with the main objective of simulating, receiving, validating and storing data from IoT devices to be transferred to Cloud Computing, serving as a Fog Computing to provide the StaaS (Storage as a Service) service. The results showed that the implementation of this service in devices of embedded systems can be a good alternative to reduce the problems, in this case, the storage of data, which are faced currently by IoT devices.
Keywords: fog computing; cloud computing; IoT; embedded systems; StaaS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2021.114817
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2021 Vol.12 No.2, pp.178 - 191
Received: 28 Aug 2019
Accepted: 05 Jan 2020
Published online: 07 May 2021 *