Title: Cooperation and relationship in the triple helix model of innovation
Authors: David López Jiménez; Eduardo Carlos Dittmar; Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo
Addresses: EAE Business School, C. Joaquín Costa 41, 28002 Madrid, Spain ' EAE Business School, C. Joaquín Costa 41, 28002 Madrid, Spain ' ESIC Business & Marketing School, Av. Valdenigrales, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Spain
Abstract: During the last decades the cooperation between universities, companies and government has helped generate new knowledge, transfer technology and create incubators of small and medium enterprises (SME), and spin-offs. The triple helix model, which is the focus of this research, represents a paradigm for the university within this three-way relationship, with the development of the entrepreneurial university concept. In fact, business-minded universities have grown significantly in socio-economic terms, with the development and registering of patents, as well as in activities related to spin-offs. Spin-off companies created from universities help transfer knowledge and scientific research to the business sector, and facilitate communication between universities, the market and society. In recent years, technological change and cooperation between business and universities have become increasingly important. Competition in business, and the need for companies to collaborate more closely, is reshaping universities in terms of the research they undertake and their relationship with the state.
Keywords: innovation; enterprise; entrepreneurial university; government; triple helix model; relationship; cooperation.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2021 Vol.14 No.1, pp.1 - 9
Received: 26 May 2020
Accepted: 24 Sep 2020
Published online: 14 May 2021 *