Title: Pricing and green innovation decision of green supply chain enterprises
Authors: Min Yang; Jingxian Wang
Addresses: School of Management, Guizhou College of Commerce, Guiyan 550014, Guizhou, China ' School of Economics, Guizhou College of Commerce, Guiyan 550014, Guizhou, China
Abstract: With the development of globalisation, people's awareness of environmental protection is gradually increasing. The purpose of this article is to study how companies can avoid risks, improve market competitiveness, and expand their profits under the concept of green innovation. From the perspectives of competitive environment, risk aversion and supply chain innovation, this paper uses game theory to analyse the number of green supply chain companies and how companies can achieve green pricing and decision-making innovation, and compared the different sales models of retailers, manufacturers and middlemen. The results of the study are as follows: the green innovation model has increased the profits of retailers and manufacturers by 20.53%; and 34.09%, and the revenue increase rates of the three sales models are 31.43%, 39.39%, and 41.67%, respectively.
Keywords: green supply chain; green innovation; pricing strategy; business management.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2021 Vol.85 No.2/3/4, pp.127 - 141
Received: 07 Mar 2020
Accepted: 17 Nov 2020
Published online: 26 May 2021 *