Title: WAQE: a Web Application Quality Evaluation model
Authors: S. Mavromoustakos, A.S. Andreou
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Cyprus College, 6 Diogenes Street, P.O. Box 22006, 1516 Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus ' Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Street, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
Abstract: Developing and maintaining web applications that have high quality demands the provision of certain assessment and monitoring mechanisms to afford such a success. Continuous evaluation of the web applications to check if they meet functional and non-functional requirements, as well as the organisational goals, necessitates the use of quality evaluation models in a fast-changing environment. This paper proposes an efficient web application quality evaluation model that is based on two axons: internal (within the organisation) and external (the users). The model places emphasis on quality issues as defined by ISO 9126 and other web quality factors and utilises importance-based criteria for evaluating requirements. Finally, the applicability and efficiency of the model are demonstrated through the evaluation of two different types of web applications.
Keywords: web application quality evaluation; WAQE; web applications; evaluation; quality assurance; assessment; monitoring; web quality.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2007.011529
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2007 Vol.3 No.1, pp.96 - 120
Published online: 01 Dec 2006 *
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