Title: Towards adoption of information and communication technology in higher education - a structural equation model approach
Authors: Rafiu Mope Isiaka; Ronke Seyi Babatunde; Kennedy Arebamen Eiriemiokhale; Damilola David Popoola
Addresses: College of Information and Communication Technology, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria ' College of Information and Communication Technology, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria ' College of Information and Communication Technology, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria ' College of Information and Communication Technology, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria
Abstract: The African higher education system has received several uncoordinated interventions towards the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT). Coordination of these interventions for determining the extent of ICT adoption is challenging. Thus, this research formulates an integrated ICT adoption model using the thematic analysis of the factors and elements of existing models. The confirmatory factor analysis of the generated structural equation model at a Nigerian north-central state university identifies ICT-infrastructure-readiness and ICT-use-intensity as the major impacting factors for ICT adoption. The preliminary result shows that a unit increment in the use-intensity raises the ICT adoption level by 0.73. Similarly, a unit increment in ICT-infrastructure-readiness and behavioural-intention respectively cause 0.88 and 0.50 raise in the use-intensity. The theories and aggregation techniques adopted for the model are confirmed to be operational for determining the factors and levels of ICT adoption in the institution, thereby providing the required instrument for guided academic and administrative decisions.
Keywords: ICT adoption level; ICT infrastructure readiness; unified theory of acceptance and use of technology; UTAUT; confirmatory factor analysis; analysis of model structure; AMOS; structural equation model.
International Journal of Learning Technology, 2021 Vol.16 No.1, pp.37 - 64
Published online: 04 Jun 2021 *
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