Title: Local participation in the management of protected areas: legitimate claims and unfulfilled promises: a case study of Wadi El Gemal Protected Area in Egypt
Authors: Aziza Moneer
Addresses: Faculty of Tourism, Suez Canal University, Egypt
Abstract: In Egypt, there has been an increasing recognition that the establishment of protected areas (PAs) alone cannot safeguard perpetuation of biodiversity, and local community participation is a viable strategy for reducing local costs of PAs, while improving their management performance. Here, the emphasis is on the local community perceptions of the practices and challenges of grassroots community participation in the management process of Wadi El Gemal Protected Area (WGPA), which is inhabited by the local community of Ababda tribe and heavily relies on the natural resources for their livelihood. The study revealed that the current participatory approach in the WGPA resembles in many aspects manipulative and passive-receptive participation, where people are involved by being told what is going to happen or what has already happened. This type of local participation in the WGPA does not identify local communities as managers and decision makers, rather as law abiders and in best cases as passive consultees.
Keywords: co-management of protected areas; local people perceptions; Wadi El Gemal Protected Area; WGPA; manipulative participation; Egypt.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2021.115683
International Journal of Sustainable Society, 2021 Vol.13 No.1, pp.55 - 72
Received: 15 Jun 2020
Accepted: 03 Feb 2021
Published online: 16 Jun 2021 *