Title: Internal marketing of Indian retail banks and the impact on employee job satisfaction
Authors: Venkata Sai Srinivasa Rao Muramalla
Addresses: College of Business, Komar University of Science and Technology, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Abstract: This paper statistically signified the impact of internal marketing factors on employee job satisfaction in retail banks. It answered the question: is there any significant impact of IM factors on EJS? The population of this study is the employees of retail banks in southern India. A sample of 183 employees surveyed for the purpose and the results indicate that the IM factors such as internal communication and employee reward have a significant positive impact on employee job satisfaction while supervision has an insignificant positive impact whereas employee commitment, training, and feedback has an antagonistic relationship with employee job satisfaction. Employees by gender, position, work experience, and bank sector has no significant difference in their opinions, but they have a significant difference in their opinions on individual IM factors. However, employees are highly favourable on IM practices of the banks. This study has recommendations on IM practices for the continuous improvement of employee commitment, supervision, training, and feedback in the retail banks. The implications of this study would prompt further research to signify the impact of work culture, work environment, workplace ethics, and other IM factors on employee job satisfaction in retail banking.
Keywords: frontline service employees; internal customers; internal marketing; job satisfaction; quality services; retail banks; service recovery; services marketing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.115749
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2021 Vol.24 No.2, pp.206 - 226
Received: 28 Mar 2019
Accepted: 25 Jun 2019
Published online: 21 Jun 2021 *