Title: Biodiversity and biotechnological potential of marine derived actinobacteria from Black Sea coastal zone
Authors: Kadriye Özcan
Addresses: Department of Genetics and Bioengineering, Engineering Faculty, Giresun University, Giresun, Turkey
Abstract: Actinobacteria are economically and biotechnologically valuable prokaryotes. It is crucial that new group of actinobacteria from unexplored habitats, marine environmental conditions, will be pursued as sources of novel bioactive secondary metabolites. Therefore, actinobacterial strains were isolated from the Black Sea sediments and screened for production of antimicrobial metabolites and industrial enzymes. The isolates were identified with sequencing analysis by using 16S rDNA regions. Antimicrobial activity was determined by disc diffusion method by using extracts of fermentation broth inoculated with the isolates against seven pathogenic organisms. According to results, the majority of isolates belonged to Streptomyces genus. Their anticandidal activity and ability to produce cellulase enzyme were remarkable. In addition, it was determined that the isolates which not shown antimicrobial activity produced at least one industrial enzyme. As a result, the potential of isolates to be used as an antibiotic and enzyme producer in the industrial field is quite high.
Keywords: antimicrobial activity; disc diffusion; industrial enzyme production; marine derived actinobacteria; screening.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2021 Vol.24 No.2, pp.207 - 221
Received: 13 Jun 2020
Accepted: 15 Dec 2020
Published online: 05 Jul 2021 *