Title: The impact of intellectual capital on bank performance during and after the NPLs crisis: evidence from Italian banks
Authors: Giuseppe Sannino; Giuseppe Nicolò; Giovanni Zampone
Addresses: University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli', Capua, 81100, Italy ' University of Salerno, Fisciano, 84048, Italy ' University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli', Capua, 81100, Italy
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) efficiency on the financial performance of Italian banks within and after the non-performing loans (NPLs) crisis. The VAIC approach is employed to measure IC efficiency. Several fixed-effects regression models have been estimated to examine the relationship between IC, its components and Italian banks financial performance for a seven-year span (2012-2018), including the period within (2012-2015) and after (2016-2018) the NPLs financial crisis. The paper reveals that IC efficiency positively influences Italian banks financial performance irrespective of NPLs crisis. In particular, it seems that the value creation ability of Italian banks is widely attributed to an appropriate combination and management of both human capital and capital employed efficiency. This is the first study that empirically assesses the impact of IC on the financial performance of Italian banks both within and after the NPLs crisis.
Keywords: banks; Italy; VAICâ„¢; human capital efficiency; HCE; structural capital efficiency; SCE; capital employed efficiency; CEE; non-performing loans; NPLs; intangibles; resource-based view; RBV; financial performance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJADS.2021.115997
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 2021 Vol.14 No.4, pp.419 - 442
Received: 19 Dec 2019
Accepted: 03 Apr 2020
Published online: 06 Jul 2021 *