Title: Then and now: construction management practices in Romania and the Netherlands
Authors: Tudor-Cristian Petrescu; Hans Voordijk; Ionut-Ovidiu Toma
Addresses: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services, Department of Structural Mechanics, 'Gheorghe Asachi' Technical University of Iași, Blvd. Prof. dr. doc. D. Mangeron, no. 1, 700050, Iași, Romania ' Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Twente, Horst – Toren (building 20), De Horst 2, 7552 LW, Enschede, the Netherlands ' Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services, Department of Structural Mechanics, The 'Gheorghe Asachi' Technical University of Iași, Blvd. Prof. dr. doc. D. Mangeron, no. 1, 700050, Iași, Romania
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast construction management practices in Romania and the Netherlands by focusing on the institutional context, used building systems, and labour organisation from 1945 until nowadays. Social, economic and historical aspects have also been taken into account, in order to provide useful insight on two countries that represent two 'worlds' (Western Europe vs. Eastern Europe), with different building philosophies. Data collection and analysis were based on interviews with experts in the field of civil engineering, correlated with various publications from both past and present times. The significance of this study lies in the fact that, although similar studies have been performed before, to the authors' knowledge there is little information about construction management in pre-1989 Eastern Bloc. This study compares an Eastern European country (Romania) with data from the construction management in pre-1989 Western European country (the Netherlands).
Keywords: Romania; the Netherlands; construction management; institutional context; building systems; labour organisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2021.116511
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2021 Vol.21 No.2, pp.91 - 103
Received: 04 Apr 2019
Accepted: 01 May 2020
Published online: 27 Jul 2021 *