Title: Proposing a model for commercial soft technology assessment in small and medium enterprises
Authors: Alinaghi Moslehshirazi; Ali Mohammadi; Moslem Alimohammadlo; Mohammad Saadatmand
Addresses: Management Department, Shiraz University, Iran ' Management Department, Shiraz University, Iran ' Management Department, Shiraz University, Iran ' Management Department, Shiraz University, Iran
Abstract: The present study proposes a mechanism for commercial soft technology assessment in small and medium enterprises in three stages by using a sequential mixed instrumental method. In the first stage, in-depth interviews were performed with 15 experts in technology assessment in small and medium enterprises by thematic analysis, deriving 15 key codes, 57 basic themes, 24 organising themes and six inclusive themes. In the second stage, a commercial soft technology assessment model was developed using the technology Atlas model and Daddario technology assessment principles. Finally, the third stage applied the model to a unit of Persian Gulf Science and Technology Park in Bushehr (Iran), validating the model. The results indicated technology adoption level, technology effect level, technologist humans, technological life cycle, automation degree, and technology transfer to be the most important components affecting commercial soft technology assessment in SMEs. These components can predict the characteristics and consequences of commercial soft technologies.
Keywords: technology; commercial soft technology; technology assessment; small and medium-sized enterprise; SMEs.
International Journal of Management Practice, 2021 Vol.14 No.4, pp.454 - 471
Received: 22 Mar 2020
Accepted: 02 Sep 2020
Published online: 28 Jul 2021 *