Title: Box office collection of sequel movies: exploring brand extension effect
Authors: Prem Prakash Dewani; Mohit Malhan; Sameer Mathur
Addresses: Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow, Lucknow, 560013, India ' Marketing Department, Great Lakes Institute of Management Gurgaon, Gurgaon, 122003, India ' Marketing and Business Technologies, Carnegie Mellon University, Doha, 122104, Qatar
Abstract: The ever-increasing popularity of Hindi Cinema, also called Bollywood, provides a tremendous opportunity for production houses and studios. This study aims to study the role sequels play as brand extensions in this multibillion-dollar industry. In the first study, we analyse earnings for both sequels and non-sequels movies released during last three years, while accounting for various parameters that could affect a movie's performance. In the second study, we conduct an experiment to capture customers' perceptions of precursors of purchase behaviour. Results indicate that overall sequels perform better than non-sequel movies, and have higher ratings on precursors of purchase behaviour than non-sequel movies. We also found that word of mouth (WOM) publicity would be positive and higher for a sequel. Further, brand extensions through sequels also help take the load off the pre-release marketing budget. The research also opens up avenues into fields such as television series, web series, and books.
Keywords: brand; extension; movie; sequel; experiment; Bollywood.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2021 Vol.14 No.3, pp.288 - 311
Received: 02 Apr 2021
Accepted: 03 Jul 2021
Published online: 30 Jul 2021 *