Title: Convergent technologies as a factor in the formation of a new technological mode and structural changes: contribution to the formation of a pleasure economy
Authors: Alla E. Kalinina; Irina A. Elkhina; Marina E. Buyanova
Addresses: Department of Applied Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Volgograd State University, 100 Prospect Universitetsky, Volgograd, 400062, Russia ' Department of Information Systems and Computer Modeling, Volgograd State University, 100 Prospect Universitetsky, Volgograd, 400062, Russia ' Department of Economic Theory, World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University, 100 Prospect Universitetsky, Volgograd, 400062, Russia
Abstract: The authors determine the essence and perform a review of convergent technologies: nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information technologies and cognitive technologies; they present characteristics of NBIC technologies. Convergent technologies are treated as factor in the formation of a new technological mode and structural changes. It is justified that as a result of technology convergence automation of all economic activity becomes widely accessible and used. This is instrumental in easing social tension and providing additional opportunities to enjoy business activities. Business processes that are routine and unattractive for a man, are being automated, while a man gets more free time and the ability to unlock his/her creativity. The sixth technological mode is currently being formed in contemporary society, which opens up opportunities for total automation and securing the functions of a manager and an entrepreneur for a man, while the labour function will be automated. This will maximise the pleasure from professional activity.
Keywords: convergent technologies; NBICS-technologies; convergent technology structure; technological mode; structural changes; structural shifts; pleasure economy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTGM.2021.116740
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2021 Vol.14 No.4/5, pp.390 - 403
Received: 07 Feb 2020
Accepted: 07 Apr 2020
Published online: 31 Jul 2021 *