Title: An empirical examination of acquisitions in Greece
Authors: A.M. Tzortzaki
Addresses: 25 Evrou Street, Gerakas, 153 44 Athens, Greece
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide some insights into the main determinants for the success of an acquisition. The focus of this analysis will be on the acquisitions in South Eastern Europe and more specifically in Greece. Our findings suggest that the success of an acquistion is linked to: the motives that instigated the acquisition in the first place; the level of financial, business and organisational fit achieved between the two companies; the level of synergies captured; and the existence of a transition and integration plan that adequately addresses human resource issues.
Keywords: acquisitions; horizontal acquisitions; symbiotic acquisitions; transition stages; strategic planning; consolidation; success factors; financial institutions; Greece; south-eastern Europe; financial services.
DOI: 10.1504/IJFSM.2007.011678
International Journal of Financial Services Management, 2007 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.144 - 158
Published online: 14 Dec 2006 *
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