Title: Thermodynamics analysis of biomass fired brick drying process
Authors: Aziz Kagan Dogru; Emre Camcioglu; Onder Ozgener; Leyla Ozgener
Addresses: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Solar Energy Science Branch, Ege University, TR-35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey ' Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Solar Energy Science Branch, Ege University, TR-35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey ' Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Muradiye, Manisa, Turkey; Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
Abstract: For drying the bricks used in the construction sector in Turkey, it is estimated that the power needed is 460 MW. Moreover, the estimated energy consumption and produced brick are 2,680,400 MWh/year and 5 million ton per year, respectively. Due to increasing global warming and climate change, the amount of energy consumed per year for drying decreases. As the outdoor temperature increases, the amount of energy supplied for drying the brick will be reduced. This study was carried out because of this high energy consumption during drying process in brick production sector. According to the case study, energy and exergy analyses of a brick factory with an annual production capacity of 150,000 tons in Manisa were conducted using real operating data. The energy and exergy output values and exergy losses for each component of the process and the whole system were analysed according to ambient temperature (0°C-20°C) and changes in drying air temperature (75°C-105°C). The energy efficiency of the system in the range of 27.95%-34.31% exergy efficiency was found in the range of 48.23%-64.90%. Finally, further measures are proposed for increasing efficiency of system exergy and energy.
Keywords: brick; biomass; drying; exergy; energy sustainability; environmental pollution.
International Journal of Exergy, 2021 Vol.35 No.4, pp.421 - 437
Received: 20 Aug 2020
Accepted: 01 Dec 2020
Published online: 13 Aug 2021 *