Title: Using a 3D virtual collaborative design environment for an advanced vehicle concept review: some test results
Authors: Grace M. Bochenek, James M. Ragusa
Addresses: Advanced Collaborative Environments Lab, US Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command's (TACOM), National Automotive Center (NAC), Warren, MI 48397-5000, USA. College of Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2450, USA
Abstract: This paper briefly describes several first- and second-generation virtual environment (VE) systems, and the results of US Army empirical testing of one second-generation system - the CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE). Compared in the test with the CAVE was the Army|s traditional and proven method of reviewing advanced vehicle concepts - a PowerPointâ„¢ briefing. Test results indicated several advantages for the VE that should be of interest to any organisation facing the need to shrink development life cycles, reduce costs, and improve product and system utility. A conclusion reached is that additional research and testing are needed to provide additional insights into the use of VE technologies to improve and support collaborative product and system development, design, and acquisition.
Keywords: collaborative design reviews; heavy vehicles; virtual collarborative design environment; virtual reality.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.2002.001172
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2002 Vol.9 No.2, pp.115-126
Published online: 01 Jul 2003 *
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