Title: A PLS-SEM approach to the consumer adoption of shopping via mobile apps

Authors: Oğuz Yıldız

Addresses: Istanbul Gelisim University, Cihangir Mh. Sehit Jandarma Komando Er Hakan Oner Sk. No. 1, Avcilar, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract: With a broader set of factors than previous research, this study examines basic theories and various studies related to the mobile field about ones that affect consumer adoption of shopping via mobile applications within the literature. As a result, the study proposes a model based on technology acceptance model, which includes 16 possible constructs and 31 relationships. The ultimate aim of this study is to analyse the factors that have effects on the adoption behaviour of consumers who shop via mobile applications with partial least squares (PLS) approach. The measurement models and the structural model proposed by the study were analysed with SmartPLS 3. Considering PLS structural equation modelling (SEM) bias seen in reflectively measured models, as a novel approach, consistent PLS is used in this study. The study established that perceived enjoyment and risk do not have any meaningful effect on the adoption of shopping via mobile applications, and also revealed that word-of-mouth communication, perceived value, informativeness, and personalisation are significant factors in the adoption of mobile shopping.

Keywords: consumer adoption; mobile shopping; mobile apps; PLS-SEM.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMC.2021.117380

International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2021 Vol.19 No.5, pp.589 - 614

Received: 27 Feb 2019
Accepted: 24 Jun 2020

Published online: 03 Sep 2021 *

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