Title: Going green? Investigating the role of GSCM practices on firm financial and environmental performance through green innovation

Authors: Kanwal Iqbal Khan; Zwaid Babar; Sumaira Sharif; Suhaira Iqbal; Maryum Iqbal Khan

Addresses: Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan ' Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan ' Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan ' Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan ' Institute of Technology and Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore Campus, Pakistan

Abstract: Green supply chain management (GSCM) is considered the provenance of best performance in every organisation around the world. Its efficient implementation leads to increase the green innovation activities, but its role remained less explored in the literature. In this study, we intended to explore how the execution of GSCM practices links with the improvement of the firm financial and environmental performance that support the concept of environmental friendly products. Data from 413 employees of GSCM award-winning companies of Pakistan were collected through a questionnaire survey. Variance-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the proposed structural model. The results suggested that GSCM practices positively affect green innovation that in turn enhances the firm financial and environmental performance. The study contributes to the GSCM literature by providing managerial implications of improved firms' financial performance with an environmental solution.

Keywords: green supply chain management; GSCM; environmental friendly products; financial performance; green innovation; environmental performance; GSCM practices.

DOI: 10.1504/IJPM.2021.117894

International Journal of Procurement Management, 2021 Vol.14 No.6, pp.681 - 701

Received: 12 Jun 2020
Accepted: 26 Jul 2020

Published online: 04 Oct 2021 *

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