Title: A strategic concept for an academic business incubation programme with the support of project management tools
Authors: Silke Jurkowitsch
Addresses: Leeds Metropolitan University, Gruttstrasse 15 b, A-6890 Lustenau, Austria
Abstract: Oscar Wild once said, ||the future belongs to those who can see the opportunities before they became obvious||. In this context, the incubation providers are the ones who should see the opportunities. To bring the opportunities to life, a business incubator is needed, and also the opportunities for this organisation have to be considered. Project Management tools support the development of an incubator and therefore, its strategic conception of an incubation programme. The strategic conception is divided in three phases with specific work packages. It is a guideline for future incubation providers for building up their incubators.
Keywords: business incubation; project management; academia; universities; startups; entrepreneurship; small business.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2007.011841
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2007 Vol.4 No.2, pp.138 - 151
Published online: 26 Dec 2006 *
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