Title: A strategy for improvement of the Cpk of DRAM modules in the depanel process of PCBA
Authors: Zone-Ching Lin, Chih-Yuan Ho
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 43 Keelung Road, Section 4, 106 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 43 Keelung Road, Section 4, 106 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Abstract: This paper is to improve the dimensional accuracy of Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMMs), which is a kind of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) modules for notebook computer, in the depanel process. This study proposes the implementation of combining grey relation analysis with Statistical Process Control (SPC) analysis, so as to quickly search the result that progressive tool wear is the dominant parameters adversely influencing the accuracy in the depanel process. To resolve tool wear issue, this paper implements the pretreated milling for a certain working distance before practically proceeding the depanel process. The accuracy of products, therefore, appears to be feasibly controllable. Furthermore, this study adopts SPC analysis to evaluate the improvement effect, revealing that Cpk value dramatically increases from 0.788 to 2.175, and the tool life of mill can also be extended from milling of 25 to 45 panels. It has also been successfully implemented in an international factory, resulting in a yield of more than 1 million DRAM modules.
Keywords: depanel process; tool wear; small outline dual inline memory module; SO-DIMM; grey relation analysis; tool life; statistical process control; SPC; DRAM modules; notebook computers; Cpk value; milling; manufacturing; process capability; printed circuit boards; PCB assembly.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2007.011856
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2007 Vol.10 No.2/3, pp.310 - 322
Published online: 28 Dec 2006 *
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