Title: A multidimensional measure of system quality - an empirical study in context of mobile banking apps in India
Authors: Minakshi Gupta; Kedar Bhatt
Addresses: Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Business Administration, Opposite Karnavati Club, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad (Gujarat), 380015, India; BK School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India ' Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management and Research, Opposite Karnavati Club, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad (Gujarat), 380015, India
Abstract: With increasing adoption of banking through mobile apps, it is important to understand user's perception of system quality towards these apps. System quality has been identified as one of the system specific factors affecting user acceptance of the information system in IS literature. However, multidimensional nature of system quality has not been explored much and very few studies have focused on measuring system quality in mobile banking apps context. This study identifies sub-dimensions of system quality from literature, and it explores multidimensional nature of system quality and further confirms the validity and reliability of the multidimensional scale of system quality. The dimensions identified are reliability, ease of use, user interface, response time, security and functionality. The paper also confirms whether system quality performs better as a second-order factor in predicting user satisfaction as compared to first-order six sub-dimensional models does. The data were collected from total of 534 users of mobile banking apps in India through structured questionnaire. The questionnaire contained questions on system quality dimensions and satisfaction. The paper discusses implications for academicians in terms of measurement of system quality, and for practitioners in terms of understanding aspects of system performance from the user's point of view.
Keywords: system quality; user satisfaction; multidimensional scale; mobile banking apps; confirmatory factor analysis; India.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.118636
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2021 Vol.38 No.1, pp.1 - 16
Received: 21 Jan 2019
Accepted: 31 Mar 2019
Published online: 30 Oct 2021 *