Title: Research on the invulnerability of cross-border bidirectional logistics network in e-commerce supply chain

Authors: Li Ding

Addresses: Department of Management and Tourism, Wuhai Vocational and Technical College, Wuhai 016000, China

Abstract: In order to improve the security of cross-border bidirectional logistics network in e-commerce supply chain, this paper proposes a research method for the invulnerability of cross-border bidirectional logistics network in e-commerce supply chain. This paper builds a cross-border two-way electricity supply chain logistics network model, that analyses the cross-border two-way electricity supply chain logistics network's anti-destroying ability of network security, network loss degree and average benefit evaluation indexes through the index variation characteristics that describe the network invulnerability, and cross-border development of two-way logistics network attack strategy on the impact of network invulnerability. Through experimental analysis, it is found that the anti-destruction analysis time of the method in this paper is always lower than 5.83 s, with the shortest time, and the analysis accuracy is always above 98.26%, with high accuracy, which can effectively resist the cross-border two-way logistics network attack of the e-commerce supply chain and improve the network security.

Keywords: e-commerce; supply chain; cross-border; bidirectional logistics; network; invulnerability.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2021.118806

International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2021 Vol.35 No.3, pp.251 - 270

Received: 10 Oct 2019
Accepted: 29 Sep 2020

Published online: 08 Nov 2021 *

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