Title: The municipal solid waste disposal of Okhla landfill in Delhi: locating legal framework and institutional responses
Authors: Stellina Jolly; Nafees Ahmad
Addresses: Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New Delhi, India ' Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New Delhi, India
Abstract: It is estimated that out of the 9,600 tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated by Delhi only 78% of the waste is collected, 9% is treated by composting, and the remaining gets dumped in one of the three (Okhla, Ghazipur, Bhalswa) open landfill sites located at the outskirts of Delhi. The present article stems out of the assessment of the practice of solid waste management at Okhla Landfill site based on the field study, including survey analysis and primary data collection and investigation. The article looks into the legislative framework and judicial interventions to modernise and organise the waste disposal system on scientific lines. The outcomes of the present study demonstrate that decentralisation, capacity building, and access to the sharing of waste management knowledge, holds the crucial driver for sustainable waste management.
Keywords: municipal solid waste management; landfill waste disposal; environmental justice; waste management legal framework; central pollution control board.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2021.118861
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2021 Vol.28 No.4, pp.487 - 505
Received: 27 Aug 2019
Accepted: 08 Jan 2020
Published online: 09 Nov 2021 *