Title: Position-related content acquisition for CCM
Authors: Yanli Li; Xiaonan Wang
Addresses: Changshu Institute of Technology, Jiangsu, Changshu 215500, China ' Changshu Institute of Technology, Jiangsu, Changshu 215500, China
Abstract: The Content-Centric Networking (CCN) depends on reverse paths and limited broadcast to achieve content acquisition, but the reverse-path disruption due to node mobility leads to content acquisition failures and flooding results in considerable content acquisition costs. In this paper, we propose a Unicast-based content acquisition scheme for Content-Centric MANET (UCCM) to reduce content acquisition costs and improve success rates. UCCM employs the address-centric unicast instead of the content-centric broadcast to achieve the content acquisition, so the content acquisition cost is lowered. Moreover, a requester acquires the content from the nearest provider in the address-centric unicast way, so the content is returned to a requester based on the requester's address rather than the reverse paths. UCCM is evaluated, and the analysis results show that UCCM reduces the content acquisition cost by nearly 63.8% and improve the success rate by nearly 5.9%.
Keywords: content acquisition; mobile ad hoc network; address; unicast.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIPT.2021.118963
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 2021 Vol.14 No.4, pp.219 - 231
Received: 11 Dec 2018
Accepted: 12 Jan 2020
Published online: 15 Nov 2021 *