Title: Mitigating global warming in smart energy grids via energy supply security for critical energy infrastructures
Authors: İsa Avcı; Cevat Özarpa; Muhammed Ali Aydın
Addresses: Department of Computer Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa, Avcılar, 34315, Istanbul, Turkey ' Engineering Faculty, Karabuk University, 78050, Karabuk, Turkey ' Department of Computer Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa, Avcılar, 34315, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: Problems in energy supply security threaten smart grids and cities, critical infrastructures and industrial control systems, and directly affect the economy. This study aims to examine the increase in energy supply, energy supply security risks, global warming, the importance of renewable energy sources, and environmental factors in energy infrastructure security. Also, a security framework has been proposed for critical energy infrastructures such as electricity, water, natural gas, coal, oil, renewable energy, and nuclear energy sources, taking into account the key risk factors of energy supply security and environmental impact sources. In the proposed framework, 17 different types of risks have been defined due to the reasons for natural gas, electricity, coal, oil, nuclear, and renewable energy sources. Risks concerned energy supply security and environmental impacts are calculated according to energy sources and it is determined that renewable energy sources have less risk (9%) than other energy types, electricity (13%) and natural gas (15%).
Keywords: energy supply security; emissions; smart grid; renewable energy grids; natural gas.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2021 Vol.25 No.3/4, pp.288 - 305
Received: 21 Jul 2020
Accepted: 30 Nov 2020
Published online: 17 Nov 2021 *