Title: Biochar: a sustainable approach for water stress and plant growth
Authors: Snigdhendubala Pradhan; Hamish R. Mackey; Tareq Al-Ansari; Gordon McKay
Addresses: Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar ' Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar ' Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar; Division of Engineering Management and Decision Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar ' Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar
Abstract: In this study, the performance of biochar produced from vegetable wastes at 400°C to improve plant growth and water retention in sandy loam was evaluated at 2% and 6% biochar loading. Biochar hastened seed germination, increased plant height and number of leaves, and reduced evapotranspiration with all three plants tested. We also evaluated net greenhouse gas emissions from drying, carbon sequestration and irrigation related emission reductions. The net benefit of biochar is highly sensitive to a range of factors including irrigation source, water savings and electricity grid mix.
Keywords: food waste; biochar; water retention; plant growth.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2021 Vol.25 No.3/4, pp.425 - 439
Received: 07 Nov 2020
Accepted: 11 May 2021
Published online: 17 Nov 2021 *