Title: How is digitalisation changing the business model of FinTech companies? The case study of an Italian non-bank financial institution
Authors: Chiara Torriero; Raffaella Montera; Nicola Cucari
Addresses: Bank of Italy, Rome, Italy ' University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy ' Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Abstract: Although digital transformation in the financial industry is gaining momentum in recent years, the literature exploring FinTech business models is still scant. We fill this gap by analysing, through a case study, the business model of a big bang disruptor. Specifically, we select the case of Alpha that is considered one of the most important players in the provision of digital lending services in Europe. We use a business model canvas, deemed as the most suitable analytical framework to this end. We find that, in the FinTech industry, the business model of a big bang disruptor is customer-oriented and its services are provided through a digital platform, in order to ensure a better user experience. Additionally, a big bang disruptor leverages partnerships with different actors to co-create value. Finally, we claim that the business model of a big bang disruptor is characterised by agility, flexibility and adaptability. We contend that these features are crucial to remain competitive in an ever-changing environment.
Keywords: digitalisation; business model; big bang disruptor; BBD; disruptive innovation; factoring; FinTech.
International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 2022 Vol.6 No.1, pp.7 - 27
Received: 14 Jan 2021
Accepted: 11 Mar 2021
Published online: 30 Nov 2021 *