Title: An improved sensorless strategy on the basis of improved PI regulator
Authors: Haigang Zhang; Piao Liu; Xuan Chen; Bulai Wang
Addresses: School of Railway Transportation, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China ' School of Railway Transportation, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China ' School of Railway Transportation, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China ' School of Railway Transportation, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China
Abstract: The sensorless control strategy was implemented by replacing the conventional PI regulator with an improved fuzzy PI regulator, meanwhile an adjusted sliding mode observer was established for replacing the traditional rigid position sensor based on the principle of non-position sensor. The signals of rotor speed and position were extracted from the back electromotive force for reducing the error and complexity of the calculation of the angular and rotational speed. Compared with conventional PI sliding mode observer, the control system of the PMSM has a preferable influence on the steady-state and dynamic response. A Matlab platform has been built to validate this method, and the experimental results showed that the fuzzy PI sliding mode observer had strong robustness and restrained the chattering to a certain extent. On the other hand it also could improve the stability, rapidity and dynamic performance of the SMO system.
Keywords: fuzzy control; non-position sensorless; PMSM; sliding mode observer; saturation function; vector control.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICA.2021.119301
International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications, 2021 Vol.12 No.5/6, pp.240 - 247
Received: 21 Dec 2019
Accepted: 02 Apr 2020
Published online: 01 Dec 2021 *