Title: Effects of gravity of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber on its damping performance

Authors: Guoqiang Zhao; Guangqiang Wu; Yi Zhang

Addresses: Institute of Automotive Simulation Science, School of Automobile Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China ' Institute of Automotive Simulation Science, School of Automobile Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China ' Institute of Automotive Simulation Science, School of Automobile Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China

Abstract: Considering the effect of gravity, the differential equation of motion of circular path centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber (CPVA) is derived. A simulation model is established to discuss the impact of CPVA's main design parameters on its damping performance. When the tuning order is equal to the harmonic order of the excitation torque, the vibration absorption capacity is the best. And the increase of pendulum length and pendulum mass is beneficial to improve the damping performance. Based on these laws, a set of ideal CPVA parameters are selected to establish complete vehicle powertrain system model. The CPVA is installed on the secondary flywheel of the dual-mass flywheel. The transient model of engine is built in GT-Power to provide power for the whole vehicle model. In idling, crawling and wide-open throttle acceleration conditions, considering and ignoring CPVA's gravity respectively, the rotating speed and rotating speed fluctuations of the secondary flywheel are studied.

Keywords: CPVA; centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber; gravity; damping; powertrain; circular path CPVA; gravitational effects; torsional vibration; powertrain system.

DOI: 10.1504/IJVP.2022.119449

International Journal of Vehicle Performance, 2022 Vol.8 No.1, pp.109 - 127

Received: 04 Mar 2021
Accepted: 16 Jun 2021

Published online: 05 Dec 2021 *

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